Saturday, December 5, 2009

All In Good Fun

So apparently I have some competition, and she's cute too.  I have been asked to draw a bunch of Pokemon for people.  No problem, who needs to do homework.  There is this girl who is just as into Pokemon as I am, and she can draw pretty well too.  Not as good as me, but the closest I've seen so far.  Now, to find something else to talk about, hmmm.  Ah, who needs to talk anyway.

I'm going through some withdrawals as I keep getting my DS taken away.  I don't think there are enough chores to earn it back anytime soon.  UGH!

My chickens have been standing out in the freezing rain for two days.  They have shelter, but seem to prefer pneumonia. Go figure.

Friday, October 30, 2009

I Rock!!!!

Ghosts and goblins...Halloween is upon us.  This year I FINALLY got to be gross!  My mother said I looked like roadkill, but I was a zombie with my eye hanging down my face and all bloody and gashed up.  I love latex! until it's time to take it off anyway.   That stuff is almost like pulling your actual skin off.  But it is so worth it.  I scared little kids at a costume party and won Creepiest Costume, oh yeah, oh yeah.  So, like I said... I ROCK!  I can't wait until tomorrow when I get all dead and decaying too.  Now, if only I could smell like rotting flesh my transformation would be complete.

All this and free candy too, can't beat that!

Happy Haunting.

Monday, October 26, 2009

I'm Free

I hate drawing people, but my cartoons don't suck.

The Awakening

Random Dragon